
January 26, 2012

Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans Recipe

Hello again!

Here's another lovely recipe for you Potterheads: Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans!

What do you do when you can't find the brand-name every flavour beans? If you can't find a box of the Bertie Bott's anywhere at all? Why, you make your own, of course!

If you would also like to make a box for your Bertie Bott's Beans, a link to the tutorial and templates for the Bertie Bott's Boxes can be found here: Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans Box Template

This recipe is fairly simple and hardly costs anything. However, I would really recommend making these only a day or two at most ahead of time because you really don't want them to spoil with all of the interesting flavours you're stacking on them.

Things You Need:
A package of jelly beans, be they Jelly Bellies, No Name, or any other sort
Some spices or other interesting items to make your beans truly "every flavour"


You can pick and choose which sorts of flavours you would like to try. However, the main thing that I should tell you is that the black jelly beans do not absorb a lot of flavour; they still taste like black liquorice.


You need: Spices, Sugar, and Newspaper

  1. Mix up some sugar water, which is just granulated sugar (or icing/confectioner's sugar if you like) with water. You won't need too much, we used about 1/2 water to 1/2 sugar, but you may have to adjust this so that you get a fairly thick mixture that will coat your beans so that the spices stick to them
  2. Lay out some newspaper on your counter, possibly with some paper towels underneath them or have a LOT of newspaper, as this does get a little messy (but not a lot; the beans will just be wet from the sugar water)
  3. Get out your spices and sprinkle a decent pile onto a small patch of the newspaper. Some of the spices that we used included: Ginger, Cinnamon, Chilli Powder, Ground Hot Pepper, Nutmeg, and Paprika. The ground hot pepper was a major hit, it was dried hot pepper and it punched a really unexpected pack of hotness!
  4. Dip one of the jelly beans into the sugar water and then roll it gently in the spice of choice. Let it sit on the newspaper to dry.
  5. Continue this pattern for all of the beans you wish to flavour! It will take some time, but they turn out so well.
Notes on the flavours: The ginger ones were pretty gross but still amusing to accidentally eat, the cinnamon ones were very tasty, the chilli powder ones tasted rather peppery, the ground hot pepper ones were fabulous, as mentioned above in step 3, and the nutmeg and paprika tasted funny but not awful.

You could also experiment with spices such as mint, dill, or garlic powder to add some more variety :)


You need: Vinegar, an old bowl (or one you don't mind if it's stained), and newspaper

  1. Put the beans you wish to flavour into a bowl. I would possibly recommend having small bowls for each of the colours of beans OR doing each colour separately because the colours (especially the black) tended to wash off a bit and stain the other beans
  2. Cover the beans with vinegar and let them soak for a while. I think that we soaked ours for 2 or 3 hours, but I would recommend 5 or 6 so that they really get the flavour because the only real difference I noticed in ours was that much of their colour had washed off
  3. When the beans are done soaking, put them onto the newspaper to dry.
These ones were okay, they didn't taste much different than the regular beans. They simply looked interesting.


We didn't do more than that, but if you wanted to get creative you could try dipping some in honey or corn syrup. You might even try soaking them in different liquids such as apple juice to experiment with achieving different flavours. I found that we got the best results from rolling the beans in various spices, however, as opposed to soaking them in vinegar.


  1. These are great. I got some from Sweet Fix Candy and the family had tons of fun with them.

  2. I am amazed to see how perfect all of these look. Be sure to check below:
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